Acer negundo 'Aureovariegatum'

Box Elder, Boxelder Maple, Ash-leaved Maple

Main features: All features >

10 to 20 m
5 to 10 m
Flowering Time
Light/shadow demands
light shade, no direct sunlight, sun
acidic, slightly alkaline, neutral, slightly acidic
tolerant of salt, all substrates
Industrially Resistant
Trees and shrubs for bees
Bird feeding plants
Acer negundo 'Aureovariegatum'
wide round, loose crown wide round, loose crown
Yellow spots
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5a    
See A. negundo
Bee pasture/nectar
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
99170050 Cont, 60-100 €33.00
99750050 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 125-150 €95.00
99850050 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 150-200 €140.00
99950050 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-250, width 100-150 €210.00
99060050 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300, width 100-150 €290.00
99160050 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 100-150 €450.00
99470050 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 150-200 €800.00
99570050 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 150-200 €1,300.00
99070050 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 200-300 €1,750.00
98350023 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 200-300 €2,300.00
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
99170050 Cont, 60-100 €33.00
99750050 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 125-150 €95.00
99850050 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 150-200 €140.00
99950050 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-250, width 100-150 €210.00
99060050 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300, width 100-150 €290.00
99160050 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 100-150 €450.00
99470050 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 150-200 €800.00
99570050 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 150-200 €1,300.00
99070050 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 200-300 €1,750.00
98350023 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 200-300 €2,300.00