Ein Aste voller buntgefärbter Blatter des Eisenholzbaumes

Parrotia persica - the fantastic autumn colourers!

Healthy and beautiful as a dream!


The ironwood tree (Parrotia persica) delights with its channel-coloured autumn colouring. The leaves are bright orange, dark red and yellow in their long-lasting autumn colouring as early as September. 

The bark of the Parrotia is also a true natural beauty. It belongs to the so-called scale bark. On older specimens, the top layer of bark peels off in thin plates, creating a multi-coloured mosaic of grey, olive-green and reddish-brown sections. 

Ein wunderschöner fast golden strahlender Eisenholzbaum
Eine große mehrstämmige Prarrotia in sanftem Herbstlicht
Rote und gelbe Blätter, viele bunte Farben an diesem schlanken Eisenholzbaum

“Ironwood trees are considered robust and adaptable. Once established, they even cope quite well with dry sites.”

Mellanie Graf, Tree Gardener, Lorenz von Ehren Nursery

Our unique specimens

WWe love the Parrotia persica, which is why it can always be found in our unique assortment for special trees. Whether as an umbrella, mushroom or in other shapes!

We are very pleased that we can also inspire you with our unique Parrotia trees and so we currently have no ironwood trees that meet our requirements for a unique specimen. However, since there are potential unique ironwood trees in our neighbourhoods, we ask you to be patient and let us surprise you. 

In the meantime, please take a look at our standard assortment: Parrotia persica

Did you know?

The wonderful autumn colouring of the Parrotia persica (ironwood tree) lasts a very long time. The soil should be slightly acidic to alkaline and rich in humus, in heavy clay soils they have poor growth.

In contrast to the species, the Dutch cultivar 'Vanessa' grows somewhat slower, remains more delicate and is reliable in autumn colouring. Parrotia 'Vanessa' are well suited as street trees. 
Feel free to take a look at our Parrotia persica.

Take a look at some Parrotia persica from the Lorenz von Ehren nursery!

FAQ - Frequently asked questions


How does the parrotia grow? 
Parrotia persica usually grows multi-stemmed and develops into a deciduous, ten to twelve metre tall large shrub or tree. It grows comparatively slowly. In younger trees, the main branches strive upwards in a funnel- to arch-shaped manner. When older, the ironwood tree forms a spreading and picturesque crown.

What is the tree suitable for? 
Because of its ornamental growth and spreading crown, the ironwood tree is ideal for solitary planting in gardens or parks.

Can the autumn colouring be influenced?
In a full sun location with lighter soils, the leaves show their most beautiful autumn colouring. However, the ironwood tree should not be placed too exposed to the wind. Waterlogging should also be avoided.

Is the species healthy?
No diseases are known for the Parrotia.