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Taxus baccata - the beautiful shape wonders!

Cuttable and changeable


The European yew (Taxus baccata) is more versatile than almost any other conifer. It inspires as a topiary as well as a free growing tree or a hedge.

Yew trees can become very old, at our nursery we have a beautiful Taxus baccata that is about 200 years old, but that is young compared to the oldest yew tree in Germany, which is estimated to be about 1000 to 1500 years old. 

The bark of Taxus baccata is a feast for the eyes. Rarely does nature produce such a striking red bark as in the yew, creating a striking contrast to the evergreen needles. In contrast to the needles are also the bright red berries. They look like little signals in the dark, lush green and entice the birds to snack on them. And actually only to survive, because the birds excrete the seeds undigested and thus ensure the spread of the species. 

Eibenschirm im Sommer
Ein großer eibenbonsai im Schnee
Ein alter, großer Eibenbaum
Kay Hackmack

“Yew is the only European coniferous species that has a good shaking capacity. It can resprout from old wood and even radical pruning is, one could almost say, ignored by it. It simply sprouts again.”

Kay Hackmack, Operations Manager Hamburg, Lorenz von Ehren Nursery

Our unique specimens

Two particularly beautiful specimens, which could hardly be more different, have made it into our unique assortment for special trees. A bonsai and a solitaire. Both can not be more beautiful in their own way. Take a look for yourself! 

Please also have a look at our unique specimens:
Taxus baccata 200 Unique specimen

Did you know?

With regard to their site factors, yews are relaxed. Thus, they thrive on moist, alternately moist, very dry and on acidic and alkaline sites. What more could you ask for? They also find shade particularly nice, and so they bear the title of "Europe's most shade-tolerant tree species". At around 20° Celsius, it only needs 300 lux to survive. Young yews, on the other hand, are obligate shade plants, which means they only thrive in the shade anyway. So overall they can cope with difficult conditions and also tolerate strong root competition. What they do not like is waterlogging. Otherwise, hedges should be pruned once a year. In most cases, these woody plants do not require more care. However, be careful not to use de-icing salt near plantings.

Feel free to look at our Taxus  genus page.

Transform your garden with Lorenz von Ehren’s yews

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Is the yew a protected tree? 
Although the yew might actually be widespread in Germany, it is a specially protected species under the Federal Nature Conservation Act and is on the Red List for endangered species.

Does the yew tree tolerate waterlogging? 
No, it does not tolerate waterlogging. Otherwise Taxus baccata is easy to care for.

Is the European yew suitable as a hedge?
Because of its pruning tolerance and dense growth, yews have been and still are very popular as closed privacy hedges.

Are there also yellow Taxus baccata?
If you love yellow, you should take a look at the yellow Taxus baccata 'Dovastonii Aurea' (yellow hanging yew) or Taxus baccata 'Aureovariegata' (yellow variegated shrub yew).