Amber tree - it almost doesn't get more colourful than this!

“The amber tree needs sunny and sheltered locations on fresh to moist sites. Soils that are too moist lead to purple autumn colours.”
Thomas Dieckmann, climate tree expert, Lorenz von Ehren Tree Nursery
Our unique specimens
The iridescent autumn colours of the maple-like leaves of the amber tree (Liquidambar styraciflua) can be described as spectacular. The trees often start their beautiful colouring as early as September, which can last until the end of October in favourable weather conditions.
The colour spectrum ranges from yellow-orange to bright red and dark purple. In any case, the North American amber trees attract all eyes in autumn.
You are also welcome to take a look at our 4-season plants:
Did you know?
With the English selection 'Worpelsdon', a reliable autumn colouring tree was selected that brings with it all the positive characteristics of the species. Amber trees develop into medium-sized trees with a symmetrical, pyramidal crown.
The fruits are long stemmed balls that stick to the tree until winter. Amber trees (Liquidambar styraciflua) are considered to be quite drought resistant, but prefer a fresh to moist, acidic to neutral soil in full sun locations.
Please feel free to take a look at our Amber trees.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
How tall does an amber tree grow?
An amber tree can grow 12 to 20 m tall and approx. 4 - 8 m wide in a suitable location.
What kind of soil does an amber tree prefer?
A Liquidambar styraciflua grows best in well-drained soil with a pH of acidic, slightly acidic to neutral.
What are the requirements of amber trees?
American amber trees (Liquidambar styraciflua) prefer full sun and avoid shade; they need warmth, are sensitive to frost when young, are usually frost-hardy later and are suitable for urban climates to a certain extent.
What does an amber tree look like in autumn?
The colourful autumn colours of the trees are long-lasting and fiery from September onwards, ranging from violet-brown and purple-red to orange and yellow in many shades.
Is the amber tree hardy or sensitive to frost?
In the young years, specimens are sensitive to cold, but this subsides with age and the trees are hardy down to about -25° (zone 5b).