Container woody plants - Our season continues!
All of these gems are provided with high-quality substrate in our container area and are expertly cared for. So, why think about it for too long, come and have a look, be amazed and place your order. You can then decide whether to plant them or leave them in the container.
“Whether sensational pear trees, dreamy maple or your favourite tree, with the right substrate, a suitable container and the appropriate care, there really is nothing to be said against mobile plant husbandry - temporary or permanent."
Jan Lüdemann, responsible for the container area, Lorenz von Ehren Nursery
Our yard is full of plants - spoilt for choice!
Special standard trees…
- Acer campestre 14-16 -20-25
- Acer platanoides 'Columnare' 20-25
- Aesculus carnea 'Briotii' 16-18
- Alnus spaethii 16-18
- Amelanchier lamarckii standard tree 14-16 & 25-30
- Betula jacquemontii 20-25-30
- Carpinus betulus 'Lucas' 16-18
- Catalpa bignonioides 16-18
- Celtis australis 16-18
- Tetradium daniellii hupehensis 16-18 (=Euodia hupehensis)
- Fraxinus americana und penns. Species and varieties 14-16-18-20
- Fraxinus ornus 14-16
- Ginkgo biloba 20-25-30
- Gleditsia i.var. 20-25
- Liquidambar styraciflua
- Liriodendron tulipifera
- Apples, old varieties & espaliers (Goldparmäne, Schöner von Boskoop bis 30-35
- Malus - Crab Apple
- Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' 20-25
- Quercus cerris 16-18-20
- Quercus frainetto 25-30Â
- Quercus palustris 16-18-20
- Quercus hispanica 'Wageningen' 25-30
- Salix alba 'Tristis' 30-35
- Sorbus thuringiaca 'Fastigiata' 14-16-18-20