Spring is here!

As it now becomes green and colorful, the leaves and the flowers emerge! Many of our trucks are full of Lorenz von Ehren trees leaving our nursery every day.
In order for you to plant your summer construction sites with the most beautiful trees, please order now so that you can be sure to get all the plants you want. This is particularly true for large trees.
We are happy to offer you two options:
1. If you order our field grown trees in time by mid- to late April, we will prepare the plants with wrapping for your delivery. This should then take place by the end of May.
2. If you choose August shipping, we will containerise your plants with special substrates until they are delivered. We will water them and, if necessary, carry out care measures. We can also offer a relief cut.
Whichever route you choose, we can accept your orders until mid - end of April. Please contact your LvE contact person.
We hope you enjoy our trees! 
Hans-Albrecht Thrun

“In addition to our outdoor trees and shrubs, we also supply a wide range of container plants, such as avenue trees and specimen shrubs in the usual sizes, as well as shrubs, ground cover plants, roses and perennials, all summer long. Just ask us”

Hans-Albrecht Thrun, Lorenz von Ehren Nursery
