Picea omorika

Serbian Spruce

Diese elegante Nadelbaumart stammt aus einem kleinen Gebiet im Balkan. Die Serbische Fichte zeichnet sich durch ihren schmalen und geraden Wuchs aus, der bis zu 30 Meter hoch werden kann. Picea omorika... More Info

Main features: All features >

15 to 35 m
2 to 3 m
Light/shadow demands
acidic, slightly alkaline, neutral, slightly acidic
permeable, all substrates
Industrially Resistant
Bird feeding plants
Picea omorika

Diese elegante Nadelbaumart stammt aus einem kleinen Gebiet im Balkan. Die Serbische Fichte zeichnet sich durch ihren schmalen und geraden Wuchs aus, der bis zu 30 Meter hoch werden kann. Picea omorika ist eine robuste und anspruchslose Pflanze, sie kann als Einzelstellung, Gruppenbepflanzung, Sichtschutz oder Heckenpflanzung verwendet werden. Sie ist winterhart und verträgt sowohl Sonne als auch Halbschatten. Picea omorica bevorzugt einen frischen bis feuchten, sauren bis alkalischen, normalen Gartenboden. Sie ist nicht salzverträglich und sollte daher nicht in Küstennähe gepflanzt werden.

Slender, medium to large tree; (15) 20-25 m tall; slenderly conical to columnar; branches arching down, tips clearly ascending; initially medium-growing, 30-40 cm a year, later slow-growing 10-20 cm.  
olumnar, narrow pyramidal, upright, narrow olumnar, narrow pyramidal, upright, narrow
Monoecious; decorative red pistillate flowers as cones, May.  
Flat needles, shiny dark green on top, two conspicuous waxy striped underneath giving the needles a blue-green appearance overall.  
Even young specimen have numerous, decorative violet-brown cones up to 6 cm long, resinous.  
Shallow spreading, very sensitive to soil compaction.  
Sun, also light shade, tolerates warmth, frost hardy; adaptable and not demanding; tolerates urban environments; can be uprooted when exposed to wind.  
Moderately dry to fresh; prefers well-drained substrates, slow-growing on heavy soil, where it is short-lived.  
Suffers on very acidic or compacted soil
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5a  
Bee pasture/nectar
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
bkA211320103166 3 x trp., rootballed, height 100-125 €60.00
99790180 3 x trp., rootballed, height 125-150 €85.00
99512910 3 x trp., rootballed, height 150-175 €120.00
SANA010934 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 175-200 €150.00
SANA002226 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-225 €210.00
SANA009428 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 225-250 €330.00
99300181 Cont 12 l, 80-100 €49.00
99200181 Cont 5 l, 40-60 €27.00
99100181 Cont 7,5 l, height 60-80 €37.00
99280180 rootballed, 40-60 €27.00
99380180 rootballed, 60-80 €37.00
99480180 rootballed, 80-100 €49.00
bks26140213 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-275 €480.00
99780180 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 275-300 €650.00
99880180 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350 €975.00
SANA002227 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400 €1,500.00
99090180 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450 €2,200.00
99190180 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 450-500 €2,900.00
SANA002228 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 500-550 €3,800.00
98690142 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 550-600 €5,000.00
98790142 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 600-700 €7,000.00
bks26140900 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 700-800 €9,500.00
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
bkA211320103166 3 x trp., rootballed, height 100-125 €60.00
99790180 3 x trp., rootballed, height 125-150 €85.00
99512910 3 x trp., rootballed, height 150-175 €120.00
SANA010934 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 175-200 €150.00
SANA002226 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-225 €210.00
SANA009428 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 225-250 €330.00
99300181 Cont 12 l, 80-100 €49.00
99200181 Cont 5 l, 40-60 €27.00
99100181 Cont 7,5 l, height 60-80 €37.00
99280180 rootballed, 40-60 €27.00
99380180 rootballed, 60-80 €37.00
99480180 rootballed, 80-100 €49.00
bks26140213 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-275 €480.00
99780180 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 275-300 €650.00
99880180 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350 €975.00
SANA002227 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400 €1,500.00
99090180 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450 €2,200.00
99190180 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 450-500 €2,900.00
SANA002228 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 500-550 €3,800.00
98690142 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 550-600 €5,000.00
98790142 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 600-700 €7,000.00
bks26140900 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 700-800 €9,500.00