Prunus yedoensis

Yoshino Cherry

Prunus yedoensis, Tokyokirsche/Maienkirsche, verzaubert mit ihrer üppigen, zartrosa Blütenpracht im Frühling. Als beliebter Zierbaum in Parks und Gärten weltweit symbolisiert sie Schönheit und Vergänglichkeit.... More Info

Main features: All features >

5 to 12 m
5 to 7 m
Flower colour
Flowering Time
March, April
Light/shadow demands
slightly alkaline, neutral, alkaline
sandy-loamy, all substrates
Trees and shrubs for bees
Bird feeding plants
Prunus yedoensis

Prunus yedoensis, Tokyokirsche/Maienkirsche, verzaubert mit ihrer üppigen, zartrosa Blütenpracht im Frühling. Als beliebter Zierbaum in Parks und Gärten weltweit symbolisiert sie Schönheit und Vergänglichkeit. Die Prunus yedoensis bevorzugt sonnige Standorte und gut durchlässige Böden. Dank ihrer beeindruckenden Blüte zieht sie zahlreiche Bienen und Schmetterlinge an und ist ein echter Hingucker. Ideal für alle, die ihren Garten mit einem Hauch japanischer Eleganz bereichern möchten. 

Large shrub to small tree, 5-7 (12) m tall and wide; stems arching upright, twigs fanned out and horizontally extended with nodding tips; umbrella-shaped and asymmetrical when old; medium to strong-growing, initially 40-60 cm a year, later clearly slower, 10-20 cm
wide vase-shaped, overhanging wide vase-shaped, overhanging
Before leaves shoot, buds soft pink, blinding white when open, (March) April; slight scent of bitter almonds
Elliptical; shoots golden green, then medium green, autumn colours from October strong yellow with orange
Sun, likes warmth, frost hardy, flowers sensitive to late frost
Hardiness Zone
Zone 6a    
Bee pasture/nectar
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
bks21070865 Cont, 60-100 €35.00
99500133 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 150-200 €150.00
99700133 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-250 €210.00
99900133 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300 €290.00
99300133 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300, width 150-200 €450.00
99400133 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 150-200 €600.00
99710133 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 150-200 €850.00
99600133 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 200-300 €1,350.00
99410133 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 200-300 €1,950.00
SANA001664 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 300-400 €2,500.00
SANA006360 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 300-400 €3,400.00
SANA001666 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 450-500, width 300-400 €4,500.00
SANA011062 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 500-600, width 300-400 €6,500.00
SANA001665 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 600-700, width 300-400 €8,500.00
99120133 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 12-14 €350.00
99010133 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 14-16 €490.00
99110133 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 16-18 €650.00
99171010 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 18-20 €800.00
99310133 standard tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25 €1,150.00
98860095 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,450.00
98960095 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,700.00
98837510 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,200.00
98847510 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,500.00
98857510 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 400-500, width 200-300 €3,200.00
98170095 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 500-700, width 200-300 €2,700.00
98270095 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 500-700, width 200-300 €3,400.00
98370095 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 200-300 €4,200.00
bks21070016 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 300-400 €5,000.00
bks21070017 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 45-50, height 500-700, width 300-400 €6,000.00
bks21070018 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 50-60, height 500-700, width 300-400 €7,500.00
bks21070019 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 60-70, height 500-700, width 300-400 €9,500.00
004024644487341 umbrella form, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 200-300 €6,500.00
008321787658061 umbrella form, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 300-400 €8,500.00
000306258006533 umbrella form, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 500-600, width 300-400 €16,000.00
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
bks21070865 Cont, 60-100 €35.00
99500133 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 150-200 €150.00
99700133 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-250 €210.00
99900133 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300 €290.00
99300133 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300, width 150-200 €450.00
99400133 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 150-200 €600.00
99710133 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 150-200 €850.00
99600133 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 200-300 €1,350.00
99410133 specimen, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 200-300 €1,950.00
SANA001664 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 300-400 €2,500.00
SANA006360 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 300-400 €3,400.00
SANA001666 specimen, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 450-500, width 300-400 €4,500.00
SANA011062 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 500-600, width 300-400 €6,500.00
SANA001665 specimen, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 600-700, width 300-400 €8,500.00
99120133 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 12-14 €350.00
99010133 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 14-16 €490.00
99110133 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 16-18 €650.00
99171010 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 18-20 €800.00
99310133 standard tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25 €1,150.00
98860095 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,450.00
98960095 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,700.00
98837510 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,200.00
98847510 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,500.00
98857510 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 400-500, width 200-300 €3,200.00
98170095 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 500-700, width 200-300 €2,700.00
98270095 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 500-700, width 200-300 €3,400.00
98370095 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 200-300 €4,200.00
bks21070016 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 300-400 €5,000.00
bks21070017 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 45-50, height 500-700, width 300-400 €6,000.00
bks21070018 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 50-60, height 500-700, width 300-400 €7,500.00
bks21070019 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 60-70, height 500-700, width 300-400 €9,500.00
004024644487341 umbrella form, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 200-300 €6,500.00
008321787658061 umbrella form, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 400-450, width 300-400 €8,500.00
000306258006533 umbrella form, 7 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 500-600, width 300-400 €16,000.00