Tsuga mertensiana

Main features: All features >

8 to 15 m
2 to 4 m
Light/shadow demands
no direct sunlight, sun
acidic, neutral, slightly acidic
humos, permeable, all substrates
Bird feeding plants
Tsuga mertensiana
Slender small tree or slender large shrub, 8-12 (15) m tall, 2-4 m wide; initially conical, later more cylindrical, slightly twisted and bizarre, crown extremely pointed, nodding upper tip; branches short, in layers, horizontally extended, twigs dense and asymmetrical; slow-growing, 15-25 cm a year; 6 m tall and 2 m wide in 30 years.  
rund, dense, irregular rund, dense, irregular
Male flowers in crimson-violet clusters, pistillate flowers in tiny, upright, crimson cones, May.  
Almost radial, short needles, consistently blue-green or only grey, pinnate
Large, ca. 8 cm long cones, initially bluish crimson, then blackish grey.  
Shallow and far-reaching, directly under the surface.  
(Sun) light shade to shade, sensitive to heat, likes cool to cold, humid areas, frost hardy; wind resistant.  
Fresh to moist, sensitive to drought; prefers rich, deep, but well drained mineral soil.  
A conifer with unusual colours
Hardiness Zone
Zone 6a    
Bee pasture/nectar
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
98490189 3 x trp., rootballed, height 40-50 €75.00
98590189 3 x trp., rootballed, height 50-60 €110.00
98690189 3 x trp., rootballed, height 60-80 €150.00
bks31938010 Cont 5 l, 40-50 €75.00
bks31938011 Cont 5 l, 50-60 €110.00
bks31938012 Cont 7,5 l, height 60-80 €150.00
98790189 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 80-100 €200.00
98890189 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 100-125 €300.00
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
98490189 3 x trp., rootballed, height 40-50 €75.00
98590189 3 x trp., rootballed, height 50-60 €110.00
98690189 3 x trp., rootballed, height 60-80 €150.00
bks31938010 Cont 5 l, 40-50 €75.00
bks31938011 Cont 5 l, 50-60 €110.00
bks31938012 Cont 7,5 l, height 60-80 €150.00
98790189 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 80-100 €200.00
98890189 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 100-125 €300.00